About Us

Our Team

Our team of project managers, each with flooring experience and professional training, works with each of our clients from the start of a project to its completion. They guide the selection process, offering their experience to help clients select floors that will meet their needs best. They first carefully measure, estimate and inspect existing conditions. They then oversee the entire project from ordering the right quantity of flooring to overseeing the final installation. Above all you’ll find that our project managers greatly value people, one uncommon intangible that can go a long way in making the difference between a good floor and a great floor!

CFP provides experienced and trained installers who have a long and proven history of excellent workmanship. Fine workmanship, coupled with research into the particular and varied warranty requirements of each flooring manufacturer, sets our installers apart.

The Commercial Flooring Professionals Team The CFP Team

Our Mission

To create flooring solutions that address performance, aesthetics, safety, replacement cycle, and fiscal responsibility in a way that honors God and serves others.

Meet the Team

James Macdonald, CIM

Founding Partner & CEO

James launched Commercial Flooring Professionals, Inc. in March 2014. He has over 45 years of experience in the flooring industry. A graduate of Messiah College, James worked in flooring sales and management for many years at M&Z Carpets, a company founded by his father in 1946 before beginning and leading its Commercial Division for more than 23 years. Throughout these decades, James has fostered a long list of satisfied and recurring clients who appreciate his commitment to excellence, attention to detail, and integrity. James strives everyday to operate his business in a way that honors God and serves others.

Continued improvement and professional development are integral to CFP’s culture. James’s most recent industry certifications include FCICA’s CIM (Certified Installation Manager) and CFI’s Technical Certification, as well as Ardex Floor Preparation and Mohawk Carpet Installation Certifications. In 2019 James graduated from the rigorous SBA Emerging Leaders Class of 2019.

James enjoys spending time with his wife, Joy and their three young adult children. His favorite leisure activities include kayaking down the Yellow Breeches Creek and Rails to Trails biking adventures with Joy. Convinced that his faith in Christ must influence business, James has found Christ's standard of fairness to be proactive, unselfish, and empathetic.

“Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets." Matthew 7:12 NLT

Joy Macdonald

Principal & Executive Support

Joy is happy to help at CFP in a variety of ways in her part-time role. Her weekly responsibilities include reviewing reports and signing checks, as well as keeping the office organized and stocked with needed supplies. She enjoys opportunities to help create a caring atmosphere by arranging birthday celebrations for the staff, filling Thanksgiving bags for clients, and planning for the annual CFP Christmas party. Joy also assists James with hiring decisions and serves as his brainstorm companion as they discuss ways to make CFP the best company it can be!

Joy enjoys finding ways to stay connected with her 3 young adult children.

As a graduate of Messiah College with a degree in Elementary Education, she is thankful for the opportunity to serve weekly as a volunteer at Harrisburg’s Logos Academy, a Christian School for urban children.

Her hobbies include flower gardening, decorating, and antiquing. She enjoys opening her 1896 stone home to family and friends for meals and celebrations. She is also happy to join James on kayaking and biking adventures.

A favorite Bible verse is Colossians 3:12 – “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.”

Todd Syvertson

Partner, Project Manager

Todd joined the CFP team in 2018 with over a decade of construction experience. He became a Partner in 2023. His clients are served well by his ability to problem solve when facing unique challenges. Todd continues to further his professional growth through industry certifications such as his completion of several training seminars offered by ARDEX Academy in surface preparation and moisture control systems. In 2023, he achieved the designation of "Certified Installation Manager" through FCICA. He is always looking to learn, grow, and serve.

Todd and his wife, Cindy, are the proud parents of two wonder boys, John (2019) and Levi (2023). They enjoy spending time together as a family playing outside, going on hikes, and reading books. In his free time Todd enjoys a variety of outdoor activities including hiking, fishing, kayaking, running, and anything sports related.

A Bible verse dear to Todd's heart in regard to his work is Colossians 3:17- "And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."

Kevin DeVivo, CIM

Partner, Project Manager

Kevin joined the CFP team in 2019. His strong analysis and problem-solving skills serve his clients well as does his commitment to honesty and responsiveness. In addition to being a Project Manager, Kevin became a Partner at CFP in January of 2023.

He has achieved the "Certified Installation Manager" designation through FCICA, and has completed several trainings offered by ARDEX Academy on floor prep and moisture mitigation.

Kevin lives in the Camp Hill with his wife and two children. He enjoys outdoor activities with family and friends. He also keeps busy with DIY remodeling projects at home.

A guiding verse to Kevin is 2 Timothy 2:15 - "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."

Mike Stahl, CFI Technical

Senior Project Manager

After earning an associate degree in Architecture, Mike worked for many years in the construction industry and owned a remodeling business. He transitioned to specializing in flooring installation and gained two decades of experience. Mike joined CFP when it was still M&Z’s Commercial Flooring division in 2011. His background provides him with a wealth of experience and knowledge that is so valuable to clients. In addition, clients appreciate his friendly, caring, and joyful personality. As a project manager, Mike’s goals are to help his customers choose the best possible products to meet their needs and assure a top quality installation.

As a CFP Project Manager, Mike furthered his knowledge of commercial flooring installation techniques and products by participating in a training program and earning a Certified Flooring Installers Technical Certificate.

Mike’s hobbies are horses, trumpet playing, and reading. He is still in love with Kathy, his wife of 50 years, and they enjoy serving the Lord Jesus together. They are thankful for the opportunities He gives them to serve others through prayer, teaching, encouraging, and meeting practical needs. This service is what brings the most joy to their lives.

A favorite Bible verse is I Corinthians 10:31 – “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do ALL to the glory of God.”

Debi Martin

Administrative Professional

Debi, a graduate of Clarks Summit University with a BS in Bible, has been serving others with bookkeeping since 2014 and loves to immerse herself in the details. She and her husband Jono moved to PA at the end of 2018 after living in metro Detroit for over 20 years. Her hobbies include reading and jigsaw puzzles. She and Jono will celebrate 25 years of marriage in October 2022. They are actively involved in their local church and love to discuss the Bible with others.

Debi’s favorite verse is 2 Peter 1:3 “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.”
Garrett Gagliardi

Garrett Gagliardi

Project Specialist

Garrett joined the CFP team in 2024 as a project specialist. Holding a degree and prior experience in accounting, Garrett was inspired by CFP's mission to do business in a way that brings glory to God and good to the community.

As project specialist, Garrett approaches his work with enthusiasm and integrity. His empathy and outgoing personality make him a valuable asset to those he serves. You can find him on LinkedIn or at networking events and trade shows where he would love to meet you, learn your story, and discover how CFP can be a blessing to your firm. He is engaged in a variety of formal and informal trainings on the path to project manager.

Garrett's highest calling is to his bride, Leah, and their two babies. They enjoy visiting family, making campfires, and singing all kinds of songs together. In his free time Garrett loves reading about theology and experimenting in the garden.

Garrett is encouraged in his work by the promise found in Colossians 3:23-24 - "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ."